
Our concern for the environment is strong, we do everything we can to lessen the impact of ourselves on the environment.

All of the paper we purchase is either recycled or from sustainable sources.

All of the polythene we purchase and stock is LDPE4 which is fully recyclable locally.

Our mailings use trays where possible as they are a reusable item, we limit the use of polypropylene strapping where possible.

98% of our waste and 100% of our production waste is recycled by local companies. This both helps with the recycling element and the carbon footprint of the recycling by using local companies.

We have decreased the thickness of essential one use plastics such as pallet wrap so that we can still provide the needed security for your goods but with a lesser impact. This is also a gain in our carbon footprint by having less deliveries into ourselves.

We run the minimum thickness and width polypropylene strapping to reduce both the cost and the environmental impact of a substance that is trickier to recycle.

We have started converting our entire factory to LED lighting and over a period of time plan to replace all factory lighting with LEDs to lessen our carbon footprint with energy usage.


The UK’s leading Finishing and Mailing House.

Every day, across the country, you’ll see magazines, brochures, catalogues, samples and loads of other items, which we’ve wrapped, finished or fulfilled!

Our Story.

Some history on Peterborough Finishing Services Ltd.

12 + 1 =

For more information or a quote contact us on

Call. 01733 882 564
Email. [email protected]

Peterborough Finishing & Mailing Services Ltd
18 Ivatt Way, Westwood, Peterborough PE3 7PG


 Service | Hand Fulfilment | Covermounting | Bagging | Paperwrapping | Polywrapping | Mailing | Goodybag fulfilment